Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mercury's Winding Path: Geocentric Mercury

On Earth, we witness over a two year period, the winding path of Mercury around the sun. It seems to make a series of loops, sometimes moving backwards against the stars behind it. This is know as retrogression. This effects happen three times a year and brings about radically changing ideas, thoughts and decisions. This is an unreliable time in which periods of extra attention to details should be done. This will help you transform the disadvantaged into an advantage. The geocentric path of Mercury also resembles a three leaf clover. How interesting is that?

The Path of Beauty: Geocentric Venus

This diagram shows the path of Venus over exactly eight years. During this time it makes exactly five loops caused by apparent retrograde motions. It's symmetry, which appears to look like a rose or any petal producing flower, show's how the planet's movement resembles that of which we think of as beauty. Modern day space exploration has discovered Venus' crushingly heavy and poisonous atmosphere. We can take from this, Venus though ruling beauty, may be best experienced when we remain a sense of detachment.